
97229258 97229258

一号正规SPA老店新开张,近地铁站有稳定客源,诚聘按摩师数名,欢迎PR 公民,马来西亚人,家属准证,要求能吃苦耐劳有责任心,有文凭者优先,如果您是那个能肯吃苦耐劳,有责任心且有意加入我们的团队的人,请联系9722 9258(Janice)

9387 2182(Nicole)

Category 1 spa old shop is newly opened. There are stable customers near the subway station. We are looking for a number of masseuses. Welcome PR citizens, Malaysians, and family members. You are required to be hardworking and responsible. Those with diplomas are preferred. If you are the one who is willing to be hardworking, responsible and willing to join our team. Please call us for details (97229258 janice)/(93872182 Nicole)

